Manage all aspects of commodity Grower and Trade Brokerage contracts within AgCRM
Manage all aspects of commodity Brokerage and Trade contracts within AgCRM
AgCRM links Supplier and Customer interactions with Broker Trades, Confirmations and Invoicing to accounting software
One system to manage all your commodity broking needs via through an integrated platform. Real time Dashboards and reporting features show performance against budget and broker profitability.
Full management of contracts within AGCRM allows you to separate Trade Deals from Grower Deals. Create and manage all aspects of brokerage contracts from multiple devices.
Set up customisable templates to manage Contract types such as Delivered buyer (DB), Delivered Silo (DS) Free on Board (FOB), Delivered Container Terminal (DCT), Multigrade contracts. Create and track brokerage amendments for any changes.
Link to MS Outlook to track/co-ordinate records with AgCRM.
Trade Brokerage Features
Brokers can create their own trade tremplates by type, customer, product or geography. Set Product Descriptions, Quality Standards, Weights/Grades, Brokerage and Billing Terms.
- Enter/Clone Trades for ease of set up
- Multi-Currency/Multiple Unit of Measure
- Trade Summary by Broker/Group
- Send & Track Confirms to Office GroupsPrint Confirms
- Customisable Reporting by Types/Customer
- Top Buyers/Sellers
- Realtime reporting by Week/Monthly/YTD
Grower Brokerage Features
AgCRM links to grower supply plans and projected yields using Intentions. Ability to manage growers Intentions displaying production hectares by commodity and anticipated yield. Link Pre and post harvest marketing decisions and communications to trades.
Central co-ordination of CRM functions including for recording of conversations, sending emails, SMS, marketing campaigns.
- Default Schedules
- Trade Summary by Broker/Group
- Review/Send/Print Confirms
- Multigrade contracts
- Links to Supplier Intentions by Grower
- Link to Intention Communications such as emails/calls
- Option to Links to NGR for Grower information
Brokerage Billing
Create invoices for buyer and seller options aswell as split invoicing, both single and batch invoicing options available. Importantly, AgCRM has the ability to interface directly with accounting systems such as Xero and other ERP software (SAP B1).
- Create Draft or Approved Invoice in full or split by percentage (%)
- Batch or Individual Invoices
- Export Accounts/Contacts to Xero
- Use Tracking and Analysis Codes
- Print Invoices and Credit Notes
Dashboards & Reporting
AgCRM’s fully integrated platform provides Profitabilty reporting by segment, contract type, region and time. Custom reports are available based on your requirements.
Real time reporting allows effective risk management and clear visibility of commodity positions.
Can I send my trades to multiple parties?
Yes, you can send to Buyers / Sellers, Back office and related entities with a single click.
Can I raise invoices in batch?
Invoices can be generated separately or together at time of billing, with alerts and split invoices.
Can Invoices by sent to Xero or SAP or other systems like MS Dynamics?
Definitely!, Invoices can be sent to Xero or other accounting systems such as SAP via integrarated API’s.
I am a small/medium commodity brokerage firm, is AgCRM a good fit for my business?
AgCRM is scaleable to fit all business sizes.
Can I produce my commodity brokerage invoices from AgCRM?
Integrations to Xero. Invoices can be created in batch or single format. Invoices can be raised by delivery date, trade date or other date such as contract mid point.